Canada Engineering

Consultation, Development, Training

A responsive website created by me.

Hussam Abu Azab (Ph.D.)

Computer Engineering

A trilingual scientific researcher & educator with extensive research experience in Computer Engineering, Machine Learning, Aerospace Engineering, Electronic circuit design, Robotics, Data mining, OWL - Semantic Web Standards, linear algebra, statistics and stochastics, artificial intelligence and expert systems, images segmentation and processing, data analysis, and pattern recognition, and Open-source electronic prototyping platform. Published 10 articles in international scientific journals, supervised and evaluated above 20 undergraduate graduation projects and MSc thesis. In addition, I am peer scientific reviewer for many International Journals.

Software Solutions and Mobile Applications
Project Demo
Linear Optimization Solution in C# For Poultry Feed/Cost Formulation.demo
Website and Portal Website Design & Development.demo
Customizing Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) solutions.demo
Mobile Web App Development (Mobile apps linked to a web enabled database).demo